So here it is the end of Jan 2011. I made only two resolutions this year. First to strive for more balance in my life. My normal is to go all in, full tilt but this doesn't always lead to a happy life. Doing well on that one so far. Even took a few days off from Etsy.
Second resolution, learn to cook! I can spend 12 hours making soap but put me in front of the stove- and I get mad. So this is the year I stop using the tag line, "I can't cook" and do something about it. And first I had to find a style that works for me. It came in the form of two awesome cookbooks from Jessica Seinfeld. The Double Delicious series. What I love the most: healthy, easy and tasty food with the deceptive sneaking in of veggies.
I have pretty much cooked from these two books all month. I purchased a food processor and began making a collection of veggies, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, cauliflower and spinach. They are frozen and on the ready when I need them. I do most of my steaming on Sundays so its all done. Then away I go each day. We have only had a few boxes of cereal all month. I've made sweet potato french toast, applesauce muffins for breakfast. Amazing aloha chicken and even spinach brownies for dessert. Now the kids are finally on to all my deceptive veggies but they are getting into it too.
Thought it might be fun to share a post other than soap. Hope your New Year is off to a fun start.
Fantastic job keeping with all of your goals for the year - balance is the ever elusive one for me - but cooking, I do the same thing that you do - get everything ready on one day of the week. And then we eat a lot of leftovers all week. I also upped our veggie and fruit intake by getting an organic veggie/fruit delivery service. For $24/week, they deliver a HUGE box of organic fruits and veggies and having it all here really puts the huge pressure on me to use it up. After all, anything I don't cook with is literally throwing away money =) So, I've been utilizing that this year and really finding it valuable. It's amazing how many things you can sneak veggies into!
Hi Anne-Marie-- Thanks for keeping up with my little blog. I always love to read your posts. Yes- sneak sneak veggies. And with baby on the way..even better. That delivery service sounds ideal. Pressure is on..it's got to be eaten by weeks end. Be well! - Lauren
Great way to get veggies in the kids...as promised I've received my Valentines soap from you and I've linked to your blog from my blog. My 3 soaps smell so good and are soooo pretty! I'm located at
Good for you! :> I go through periods of cooking and then not wanting to go near the kitchen (though I have to at least go in to "prepare" meals...totally different than "cooking" in my book!). Thankfully, Hubs is a good cook, so he balances me out when I'm in my no cooking phases. I think its great that you've found something that works for you! :> While my kidlets eat lots of veggies on their own, I do add them in places, like adding spinach to their fruit smoothies for breakfast. They don't taste any different, but they are a bright green.:> All that said, I don't think I've ever seen spinach brownies!! I just might have to look those up!
Thank you so much Theanne!!! I love it!
I can totally relate! And I've been feeding the kids more carbs lately than I'm proud of. I'm going to check out these books and see if they will help ignite some food inspiration in me, too!
Love those books! I've made a type of spinach cupcake and they are so yummy! Kids don't know the difference! Keep the the good work!
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